About Spicule

What Is Spongilla Spicule

Spongilla lacustris it looks very soft, it will be mistaken for a plant by most people, in fact, it is a kind of animal. And even be a animal who have skeleton. Due to the particularity of its growth environment, Freshwater sponges gradually evolved the special bone, that’s spongilla spicules. which is a siliceous spicules, very small, but has a stronger hardness, for supporting the sponge body and resisting the enemy’s invasion. Spongilla spicules constituted by hard protein and heteronuclear hard protein, do not dissolve in any kind of organic solution, therefore, can be used as a kind of ideal natural materials in cosmetics and skin peeling curing.

Spongilla spicules can stimulate the dermis layer of the skin, and start the microcirculation in the skin surface, and improve capillary clogging, accelerated the aging cutin layer to spall off naturally. Compared with other similar efficacy of application, spongilla spicules only give skin pure rational stimulation, never hurt the dermis and never cause bleeding, never produce any side effects and can be used in the treatment of acne, folliculitis, oily skin and other skin problems, with multiple effects of skin polishing, oil control, acne and pimples (especially for a closed comedo), spot lighting, firm, fine pores.

Spongilla spicules can be used to improve the following skin problems:

Acne/ black head acne/oily skin/ horny metabolism/large pores/tiny wrinkles/spots/dark skin.

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