How to use bio-microneedling(sponge spicule) treatment set?

Step 1: clean the face.

Step 2: Ampoule mixing

Take ampoule No.1 and No.2 mix them evenly in a sterilized bowl. A hard brush is suggested to do mixing.

Step 3 brush evenly on face

Avoid around the eyes, apply on whole face and brush evenly.

Step 4 Circle massage

From chin,check to head, do circle massage. To do massage anti clockwise and anti pores direction.

  1. For thin and fragile skin,pls control the massage in minutes and reduce massage strength in cheekbones areas
  2. For thick and oily skin, pls keep massage in 15minutes.


To give more massage and focus on the skin problems such as acne,pigment or fine lines.

Massage will bring tingling and needling feeling, it due to that spicule(bio-micro-needles) are entering into skin deep and stimulation cells regeneration.


Step 5 skin cooling down

SOS facial mask will help skin coll down ice hammer can be used to enhance calming.

Step 6. skin clean again

Use a moist towel to remove carefully

Step 7. skin calming

Use ampoule No.3 to calm skim.


Step.8 Home care

Use new skin repair gel any time when redness,hotness,dryness or other uncomfortable feeling appear.Ice will help skin calm down quick.


Home care Tips

  1. Do not use facial soap to clean in 3 days .Using purified water to clean is allowed.Tingling feeling will last in 2days and disappear from 3rd
  2. .Do the best UV protection.Stop to do sauna,sun bath or turkey batch in 7days
  3. Slight peeling will happen from 3rdday,don’t tear it and let it falls down naturally.Common skin care is allowed from 3rd day.
  4. The next treatment is at least 15days apart,the thin and fragile skin need 30days apart.

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